TIA Commends FMC for Latest Cargo Theft Report

TIA commends the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) for its recent report, “Cargo Theft: Evaluation of the Challenge of Combating Cargo Theft with Recommendations on How to Reduce Its Impact,” authored by Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel.
Cargo theft costs the 3PL industry nearly $1 billion annually, and the FMC’s continued efforts to combat maritime fraud in the supply chain are invaluable. While the FBI is the primary federal agency responsible for cargo theft, the FMC plays a critical role in ensuring the efficient movement of the nation’s international intermodal supply chain. We applaud the agency’s leadership in uniting the maritime and shipping communities to tackle these shared challenges.
Cargo theft is at an all-time high, but data on the issue remains sparse and often based on estimates. Much of the information is anecdotal, driven by concerns over reputational damage and rising insurance premiums. The difficulty in collecting consistent data is compounded by the absence of a clear, unified definition of “cargo theft” across various transportation modes. Additionally, coordinating federal and state law enforcement efforts is hindered by differing jurisdictional definitions, penalties and liabilities related to intermodal and supply chain theft.
We strongly support Commissioner Bentzel’s call for increased collaboration between the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which regulates motor carriers and brokers, and the FMC, which oversees ocean freight forwarders and non-vessel owning common carriers. By actively sharing information on cargo theft, these agencies can ensure that regulated entities are not engaging in fraudulent activities, ultimately reducing the incidence of future thefts.
We urge the FBI—the primary federal agency with jurisdiction over cargo theft—to improve coordination and data-sharing with the FMC and FMCSA. Enhanced collaboration across agencies will enable law enforcement to more effectively target the criminal enterprises behind cargo theft.
As theft methods become more sophisticated, both legislative and industry efforts must evolve to identify, prevent, respond to, and penalize these crimes. We specifically encourage the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting program to collect and disseminate comprehensive cargo theft data. This data is vital for informing law enforcement, legislators, academics, and the public about the scale of the crime and its impact on the economy and national security.
Given the interstate nature of cargo theft and its ties to organized crime, the TIA urges the federal government to take a leadership role in harmonizing agency responses to this issue, as outlined in the FMC report. We also hope the FBI will collaborate with the industry to refine these statistics, building upon the 2019 report to provide accurate, actionable insights that can enhance law enforcement efforts.
Finally, we thank the FMC for its proactive role in reinforcing efforts to combat fraud throughout the first and last miles of the supply chain. Together, we can make significant strides in fighting cargo theft and safeguarding the in