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How to Work with Your Representative’s Office


TIA Advocacy Team: “Can’t talk right now…we’re up on the Hill, trying to get committee co-sponsors before our bill hits the floor before recess…” Wait, what?

Congress can be intimidating for those unfamiliar with the Congressional process or who have never interacted with Congress. From drafting legislation to committee hearings, floor debates, and final passage, many steps are involved in turning an idea into law. However, the conversation starts with YOU, by talking to your elected officials and promoting good policy that benefits the greater good.

It’s crucial to understand that our U.S. lawmakers are elected to represent your interests. Engaging with Congress is a powerful tool to make your voice heard and influence decisions that affect you and your community daily. Upset about fraud in the supply chain? Want to prevent government interference in rate negotiation? Looking to preserve your independent contractor status? Here’s how you can work with your representative’s office to communicate this:

  • Reach out to your elected officials.
    • You can call, email, or even send a good-old-fashion snail mail letter to their offices to let them know what you believe is essential to strengthening the security of the freight brokerage community, whether it’s addressing fraud or other legislative concerns. Public officials’ contact information is just that, public. Alternatively, you can email TIA advocacy @ Advocacy@tianet.org for us to help you identify your representative to contact them.
  • Raise awareness.
    • It’s simple. Are you passionate? Do you practice what you preach? You can educate others about the significance of our industry issues through social media, participation in public hearing/town halls, and writing op-eds or blog posts. Don’t worry – the TIA communications team is not shy if you copy and paste our weekly updates.
  • Join business and other advocacy campaigns.
    • A collective voice through grassroots participation is a great way to join forces, sign petitions, and publicly support an issue. TIA can also help you identify relevant campaigns and contacts in your district or region.

Feeling comfortable working with your representative yet? Have no fear – your TIA advocacy team is here to amplify your voice and help you navigate the complexities of the legislative process, the perceived inaccessibility of government, and logistical challenges such as schedule, deadlines and, oh yes recess.

Now let’s break it down.

  • Can’t talk right now, we’re up on the Hill: “The Hill” refers to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., where Congress meets.
  • Trying to get Committee Co-Sponsors: A committee is a House of Representatives or Senate panel with specialized jurisdictional knowledge used to conduct hearings, examine and develop legislation, and oversee a particular legislative field. A co-sponsor is a Congressional member who formally supports a newly introduced bill.
  • Bill: The primary form of a legislative measure used to propose a new law or change an existing law.
  • Hits the Floor: The floor is either the House of Representatives or Senate chamber where members sit, make speeches, and vote (often seen on your nightly news).
  • Before Recess: Still fun…but a Congressional Recess is a formal stop in Washington, D.C., when Congress is not in session – and most likely, your representative will be at home, in your district, listening to you!

Make plans to join TIA at the 2024 Policy Forum Sept.16-18,  where you can help shape the industry’s future in the nation’s capital. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a first-time attendee, TIA will guide you through the legislative process, set up Congressional meetings for you, and provide ample time for networking with your fellow industry leaders – strengthening our 2000+ membership voice. We promise, it’s not that intimidating and your voice will be heard.

By Dora McCann, director of government affairs, TIA

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